
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Welcome to a forum for Citizens for a Better Solon.

Read the "About" tab on front for how to use this site and legal disclaimers.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Yes, now Solon doesn't want bollards for GG. This was a big surprise to the developer who didn't understand Solon's anti-bollard history & bad sentiment.

Live tweet test w blog press.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Master Plan May 3

Reviewed the 2012 Community Attitude Survey reults...

This was the first meeting of 2012 and the 15th meeting of this committee.  The Patch editor was there and he had covered the survey and posted the results earlier in the day, click here.

The return rate was very good despite a "glitch" in the county mail room that left the stamps off of the return envelope, everyone was mailed a stamp and some extra surveys were mailed out.


The next activity is Frankland will be updating the Center of Town Development portion and will submit the draft at a future TBD meeting.

Street signs were a topic of discussion last year, but the FHA Mandate that the signs be updated has been tabled  due to the economy so there are no plans to change signs at this time and its unlikely in the next 5 years.

The City-wide Traffic Master Plan of a few years ago is adopted in the current plan but has never been published on the city website.  Since then a more recent Aurora Road Traffic Plan has been commissioned and accepted and in many ways suggests different solutions for Aurora Rd specifically.  Part of this plan is online under the engineering dept, but it should be an addendum to the Master Plan.  Part of this Aurora Rd plan is moving forward now.

Last year the idea was discussed to do a wider informal survey by the web.  This idea is still under consideration and Frankland will talk to the IT dept about it.


Next Meeting - TBD, much less frequent, as the Master Plan is updated

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Master Plan Nov 17

Reviewed the 2001 Community Attitude Survey and suggested changes...

An online survey was discussed as a supplement to the official survey being mailed to 1 of 15  residents in the new year.  The online survey would give an opportunity to clarify items from the official survey, to get a wider audience of residents and to get an audience not included, that being business owners.  The idea was to solicit from the industrial section, it was suggested to be more broad and include retail as well.

The draft survey was reviewed question by question and comments and suggestions were made, see the minutes for details.

Next Meeting - Next Year when Survey results are tabulated...

Minutes are here.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

City Hall Calendar

Oh, the good old days, when things were simple...

For the 3 years that I have been extremely active in local politics, I stayed informed of city meetings by looking at the city's web site calendar at least once a week.  It was bookmarked, I went right to it, and in 5 seconds, i knew what meetings were coming up.

Now we have a new web site, well not so new, it's been in production since July 1.  I was excited to see the "Notify Me" feature, perfect, I'll sign up to be notified of public meetings and I won't have to stalk the calendar page.  That hope was dashed when I received an email of a special meeting 20 minutes AFTER it had finished.  I've talked to the Clerk, IT Dir, and Law Director, I expressed concern for compliance with Ohio Sunshine Laws (see links on ).

Back to the old way, I'm subscribed to the new Notify Me feature, can't depend on it, so its back to looking at the Calendar, but now its not so simple since it contains over 50 senior events.

I thought that backup process was going to work until tonight when I saw no regular safety meeting scheduled for November, odd since I remember a specific discussion in caucus (off camera) that the meeting was to be rescheduled.  So I asked another committee member, and he confirmed that the Safety Meeting was rescheduled to Nov 16, but it wasn't on the calendar.  Another person said "Yes it is!" I looked at my iPad again and showed him, "its not here!" He ran to the clerks office and came back with a printed paper calendar that showed the Safety meeting on the 16th.

But IT DID NOT show the special safety meeting on the 7th that WAS on the web site.

SO NOW in these new days, to stay informed, I need to look in THREE places (paper, online, notify), rather than one (online).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Master Plan Nov 1

Reviewed the 2001 Community Attitude Survey and suggested changes...

The county reformatted the 2001 survey, updating it for mark sense technology (bubbles instead of boxes). It was suggested to review questions, if the answer won't help the MasterPlan then consider removing the question. It was also suggested that current responses could be compared to the 2001 if the question format remains similar.

The Survey will relate to the SWOT (blog and minutes) and Goals (draft minutes, final minutes).

Question 1 removed.

There was some discussion about the city services question for items that aren't  completely city services (Schools, Library, Cultural). It was decided to move Cultural issues out of this question.

Remove mention of cleaning and maintaining sidewalks from question 2 as Jim Stanek has proposed that this really isn't a city responsibility.  Many people there were not aware of this policy shift introduced at the Public Works committee.  However it was left into question 3 because people "may want it". No explanation of how this issue is being discussed will be included, so its likely they won't understand it either.

Question 10 will be moved to after Question 4.
Cultural questions may occur after this question.

It was raised that the schools are the number 1 city asset, how should they be included here?  Some thought the schools should NOT be included, they have their own strategic process.  It was suggested that a question on city/school collaboration or how well they work together would be useful.  It was suggested that the admin talk to the schools about the survey.

Question 5 (shopping) remove the both in/out column and add an internet shopping column.  Discussion on whether to delete or keep question 6.

Question 9, top 5 only.

Delete questions 11, 12, 15.  Keep 13 & 14 (RTA)

Combine question 18 & 19.

Orange had questions about online access.  Suggested to ask Internet value of services & access to community services.

Add a question about people's leisure activities.


Next Meeting - Thur Nov 17
Agenda: Meeting with County on Community Attitudes Survey
The Mayor and Council will be asked for input
The next draft will be prepared and discussed on the 17th and finalized

Minutes are here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Master Plan Oct 13


Community Attitudes Survey (x min)

Goals (about x hr)
Quickly completed review of updated 2000 goals and reviewed new open goals.

Next Meetings - Tue Nov 1 and Thur Nov 17
Agenda: Meeting with County on Community Attitudes Survey

Minutes are here.